5 Do’s and Don’ts of Successful Video Marketing


Videos play a crucial role in a business’s content marketing strategy and can boost sales. With that said, trends and best practices are constantly evolving. Keeping up with how the video marketing industry changes yearly and monthly is essential, or your brand will get left behind. To help, we have broken down the top trends of video marketing in 2022, along with current video marketing tips you should be following.

2022 Trends in Video Advertising

While creative ideas have their place in marketing, it’s also important to follow the trends in your industry. Using trends to generate strategy can increase your brand’s visibility, engagement, credibility, and more.

Here are some of the top mobile video advertising trends to add to your content marketing calendar:

  • User-Generated Content (UGC): UGC is just like it sounds—consumers create the content instead of a marketing team. USG videos inspire more trust for your brand and can take many forms, including product reviews, demos, tutorials, unboxing videos, etc.
  • Interactive Videos: These videos encourage viewers to engage with links and content while watching. Examples of interactive videos can include polls, landing pages, questions, other content from your brand, and more.
  • TikTok: TikTok is not new in 2022. However, it is an increasingly relevant space to include in your video marketing. Plus, these types of videos are quick and easy to make.

5 Do’s and Don’ts Video Marketing in 2022

Perhaps the biggest change between video marketing in 2022 versus video marketing best practices in 2021 is the increasing emphasis on short video content. With social media channels pushing reels, and consumers’ attention spans hovering around eight seconds, 2022 is shaping up to become the year of short content.

The following are four more tips for video marketing in 2022 and beyond.

1. Do Optimize Videos for Search

Video marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) go hand in hand in any good digital marketing ecosystem. Before filming, know your target search intent, then create high-value, relevant videos.

Answer important questions, educate, and engage your audience. Like with standard website SEO best practices, you need to do keyword research and use them both in the video and the description.

Once you have created strong content, optimize on the back end with meta titles, video descriptions, captions, hashtags, thumbnails, etc. This process will look different across platforms. One video marketing SEO tip many overlook is inserting a video transcript. This will help search engines know what the video is about and will allow the video to appear more widely and accurately in searches.

2. Don’t Chase Going Viral

It’s very easy to get caught up in trying to produce content that will go viral. This is a waste of time and money. Virality can risk a company’s brand suitability model and give you a disingenuous reputation. In general, it’s best to focus on quality content.

3. Do Caption Your Videos

Captioning the videos you create has been very popular in 2022 across all platforms. Why? It is a more inclusive practice and allows your audience to watch your video anytime—even when they cannot use sound. According to a poll, 69% of people watch videos with the sound off in public places. Using captions will allow people to understand the information in your video without the sound, which will help you get your message across to more people.

4. Don’t Produce Lengthy Videos

The concept of keeping content short has been around for a while, but in 2022, videos need to be even shorter. Short videos became more popular with the rise of TikTok, and you can see that shift with the addition of Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts. If your brand doesn’t start favoring short videos that make the most of every second, you may notice a decline in your views and engagement.

5. Do Consider Investing in Software

Every platform is complex, and brands can struggle to keep up with algorithm changes and best practices in video marketing.

To combat this challenge, consider leaning on software for support. Channel Factory offers custom YouTube advertising solutions, including easy-to-use self-service software. This takes the guessing out of the equation and assists you with optimizing your video content for maximum results.

Contact Channel Factory today to elevate your video marketing strategy.