We categorize content and
activate video ads across Social Media that are:

Safe & Suitable

Contextually Relevant



to drive commercial & reputational advantage for
Media Agencies & Advertisers.

Image - We Believe in Doing Good Business
 While Doing Good

We Believe in Doing
Good Business

While Doing Good

We show how constraining the negative while amplifying the positive increases campaign efficiency & effectiveness, while increasing social wellness and sustainability.

Avoid the Bad & Align With The Good

Constrain Negativity

We avoid content that could be harmful to your brand

We avoid content that could be unsuitable for your brand


We avoid misinformation and content that is contentious or misleading

Amplify Positivity

We identify content suited to your brand’s consumers

We identify content where viewers are ready to interact (performance oriented)

We identify content created by and tailored to diverse, representative audiences

We Deliver Superior Campaign Performance
+ Brand Reputation + Risk Management


Reduce Audience Wastage

Exclude Content Where Viewers Are Not Viable Customers

Reduce Inventory Wastage

Exclude content that is less relevant to your brand or where consumers are typically less responsive

Reduce Audience & Brands Risk

Exclude unsafe, unsuitable, or content not aligned with your audience’s interests and beliefs, but don’t exclude diverse audiences


Increase Potential Audiences

Support Unfairly Blocked Creators, Content, And Audiences With Intentional Inclusion Lists For Under-Represented Audiences.

Increase Potential Inventory

Integrate Excluded, Relevant Content; Ensure Adaptability, And Include Suitable News.

Increase Contextual Relevance

Include Content Most Aligned With Your Brands Audiences’ Interests And Beliefs



  • Exclude content where viewers are not viable customers


  • Exclude content that is less relevant to your brand
  • Exclude content where consumers are typically less responsive


  • Exclude unsafe and unsuitable content
  • Exclude content not aligned with your audience interests and beliefs
  • But don’t exclude diverse audiences



  • Include Creators, their Content and their Audiences that have been unfairly blocked
  • Provide intentional Inclusion Lists for under-represented Audiences


  • Include highly relevant content previously excluded under legacy Safety & Suitability
  • Include highly responsive content
  • Include appropriate News content


  • Include Content most aligned with your brands Audiences’ interests and beliefs

It’s on us! Request a comprehensive analysis of a previous marketing campaign to see how Channel Factory’s approach can achieve outstanding results.

Our Capabilities

Trusted YouTube Measurement Program Partner (YTMP) since 2020

The YouTube Measurement Program (YTMP) was created to offer an array of trusted independent solutions for driving and measuring marketing performance and understanding content trends on YouTube.

When a company has the YTMP badge, it means it’s been carefully vetted and meets our standards. It also means we consider it to be a trusted business partner in providing the capabilities you need to better drive and understand your marketing performance, inclusive of Google media.

Our Tech

Our Partners

Channel Factory in a Snapshot

The Art Of Alignment - Global Research

Our latest research about the relationship between brand personality and content appropriateness.

Beyond Buzzwords: Crafting Inclusive Ads that Resonate

Uncover insights on changing social attitudes, authentic representation in advertising.

Channel Factory at Cannes Lions
Join Channel Factory at Cannes Lions

Join us in Cannes, 17-21 June, as we are activating in an even bigger way with our partners and clients.

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