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Why Video Advertising Works (And How to Use It Effectively)

In the world of advertising, video has emerged as a powerful tool in today’s digital landscape. Video advertising is at an all-time high—92% of marketers prioritize video ads for the high ROI potential. 

From high click-through rates to increased lead generation, here’s why video advertising works to drive results and help businesses connect with their target audience.

Why Video Advertising Works

Videos have an innate ability to capture audience attention in a way other advertising mediums cannot. Video advertising leverages short, compelling video content to engage audiences, promote brand awareness, and educate consumers all at once. An average of 90% of marketers say video significantly increases dwell time, traffic, leads, and sales. As a whole, the video advertising industry holds immense potential for growth and innovation.

This is because consumers love video content. It’s easily accessible and available across a wide variety of devices and channels. Digital video consumption is at an all-time high, with demand for branded video content increasing among 91% of consumers. It’s easy to see why—what viewers find on the other end of a click can pay off in many ways, whether that’s increased knowledge, helpful instruction, or even pure entertainment. 

For video marketing, this creates unprecedented opportunities. Unlike written or graphic ads, a single video ad: 

  • Meets consumers in the familiar digital spaces they already use
  • Works across multiple social media platforms
  • Conveys a lot of information in a short span of time
  • Can be compatible with mobile, desktop, and other streaming devices at once

Unlike written content or static imagery, video also has the power to captivate customers through dynamic motion, sound, and narrative, making potential customers more receptive to a brand’s message. 

Video advertising often leaves a lasting impression on viewers, increasing brand recall to more than double what it is for non-video ads—which explains why video marketing is on a significant upward trend.

9 Advantages of Video Advertising

Video advertising offers a myriad of benefits to elevate marketing efforts. Here are eight key advantages of the video advertising revolution:

1. They’re Easy to Share

One of the greatest advantages of video advertising is its inherent shareability. With just one click, users can share videos with their friends and family, generating organic exposure. In a world where our collective attention spans are getting shorter every day, it makes sense that videos would get shared more than other forms of advertising—They’re able to convey a lot of information in a short amount of time.

2. They Have a Greater Potential to Go Viral

Because videos have become such a popular way to share information, the most engaging among them has the potential to go viral and rapidly expand a company’s reach in an impressively short period. 

Some of the best video advertising examples feature familiar concepts such as pets, DIY recipes, familiar faces, and inspirational stories that aim to connect and inspire, increasing the likelihood users will share them. 

3. They’re Educational

From product tutorials to informative explainers, videos are the ideal medium for educational content. The vast majority of audiences, 72% to be exact, prefer video over text when learning about a product or service. Well-made videos can help to establish a brand as an industry authority through step-by-step guides or with content that engages viewers from the comfort of their own homes.

4. They Boast Higher Click-Through Rates

Compared to other forms of advertising, video ads consistently draw more clicks. Users are more likely to click on an interesting thumbnail to explore further. Videos are naturally more interactive and engaging than other advertisements, which can compel viewers to take action to visit a website, check out a landing page, or even make a purchase. 

5. They’re Accessible and Familiar

A significant reason why video advertising works so well is its ability to meet audiences where they are. Mobile users are able to engage with videos anywhere they have a connection. 

Videos can be found on social media platforms, video-sharing websites, and mobile apps, and can be seamlessly integrated into a variety of digital environments. A brand’s message can reach the right audience regardless of the audience’s preferred platform or device. 

6. They Establish Credibility

Videos help businesses to showcase their services and expertise with appealing visuals and valuable insights. With video ads, there are numerous avenues to demonstrate authority and credibility using every facet of production. 

Content can demonstrate solutions, present testimonials, and tell a story that builds trust and authenticity with viewers. Ultimately, this can go a long way in developing a positive perception of a brand. 

7. They’re Excellent for SEO

Search engines like Google boost search results that feature excellent video content. Why? Because they know it enhances the user experience. 

This means video advertisements are a powerful way to drive organic traffic. By optimizing videos with relevant keywords, whether that’s through titles, descriptions, or transcripts, brands can significantly increase their site’s visibility and rank higher in results pages. 

8. They’re Digestible

As the demand for bite-sized information grows, video advertising offers an increasingly concise way to deliver engaging content in a potent package. In seconds, videos can convey complex information and deliver key messages, all while evoking emotion and capturing audience attention. 

In fact, short-form videos are largely the most engaging. The ability of video ads to condense information into one visually appealing format more effectively ensures that a brand’s message can resonate with users. 

9. They’re Highly Profitable

Compared to static ads, dynamic video ads boast a 48% higher sales conversion rate. Viewers are four times more likely to turn to YouTube for information about a brand, product, or service than other sources and two times more likely to make a purchase if they saw a product featured in a video.

Much of this is due to the value of video content, both in building trust with your audience and targeting consumers through personalized content. Videos are a great way for viewers to see a product or service in action, which can do a lot to convert them to make a purchase. 

Enhance Your Video Content

The world of video advertising has advantages that are only expected to expand as the digital world evolves. The right marketing strategies can elevate your video content, maximizing brand recognition and enhancing user engagement. 

Channel Factory understands why video advertising works—and how to leverage your content to boost your brand. Discover how we can help your YouTube advertising efforts. 

Contact us for more information and to get started with a more powerful video campaign strategy.